Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Halaman 130, Friend’s Name, Questions, Answer

- 27 Januari 2022, 07:41 WIB
Kunci jawaban bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP/MTs halaman 130
Kunci jawaban bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP/MTs halaman 130 /Pixabay/Наталия Когут

Alternatif jawaban:

1. Beni
Me: Beni, what does your father do?
Beni: My father is a farmer. He plants and grows rice.
Me: What about your mother, what does she do?
Beni: My mother is a housewife. She takes a good care of us

2. Farah
Me: Farah, what does your father do?
Farah: My father is an automotive marketer. He sells motorcycles.
Me: What about your mother, what does she do?
Farah: My mother is also an automotive marketer. They work in the same office.

3. Tommy
Me: Tommy, what does your father do?
Tommy: My father is a lawyer. He often goes to the court.
Me: What about your mother, what does she do?
Tommy: My mother is a teacher. She teaches in an elementary school.

4. Anisa
Me: Anisa, what does your father do?
Anisa: My father is a teacher in a public high school. He teaches English.
Me: What about your mother, what does she do?
Anisa: My mother is also a teacher. She teaches History in a senior high school.

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP Halaman 129 Lengkap, Beni What Does Your Father Do?

5. Gina
Me: Gina, what does your father do?
Gina: My father is a writer. He writes news in a newspaper.
Me: What about your mother, what does she do?
Gina: My mother is a business woman. She has a big shop in town.

6. Tya
Me: Tya, what does your father do?
Tya: My father is a traveler. He travels a lot to make money.
Me: What about your mother, what does she do?
Tya: My mother is a nurse. She works in a hospital and takes care of sick people.

1) Konten ini dibuat untuk membantu orang tua membimbing anak dalam belajar, selayaknya dijelaskan proses penemuan jawaban dan bukan hanya hasil akhir.
2) Jawaban bersifat terbuka, dimungkinkan bagi siswa dan orang tua dapat mengeksplorasi jawaban lebih baik.
3) Artikel ini tidak mutlak menjamin kebenaran jawaban.

Kunci jawaban ini ditulis oleh Elsa Priskila Yonathan, alumni Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris Universitas Brawijaya Malang, dan telah sesuai dengan buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP/MTs Chapter V tentang ‘We Love What We Do’. ***


Editor: Anisa Alfi Nur Fadilah


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