Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1 Tahun 2022 Dilengkapi dengan Kunci Jawaban, Segera Kerjakan Latihan

- 28 September 2022, 10:47 WIB
Pahami Semua Latihan Contoh Soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1 Tahun Ajaran 2022 yang Beserta Kunci Jawaban
Pahami Semua Latihan Contoh Soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1 Tahun Ajaran 2022 yang Beserta Kunci Jawaban /Indrianto Eko Suwarso/ANTARA FOTO

3.The best expression to complete the dia- log is ...
A.I am good
B.We are fine
C.It is no problem
D.You are welcome
Jawaban: B 

The text is for questions 4 and 5.
Tyas : Hello, Ratih. (4).... ?
Ratih : Hi, Tyas. I'm doing Ok. And you?
Tyas : As you see, I'm very well. Do you still study from home?
Ratih : Sure, I do. By the way I have to go home now.
Tyas : Ok. (5) ....
Ratih : Bye. Just keep your health.

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Tema 2 Kelas 2 SD/MI Halaman 226 Tentang Menghitung Banyak Hewan di Kandang

4. ....
A.Who are you
B.How do you do
C.Who is going with you
D.How is everything with you
Jawaban: D

5. ....
A.Don't mention it
B.It's my pleasure
C.Good bye
D.So do we
Jawaban: C

The dialog is for question 6.
Messi : Dad, may I accompany mother going to market
Father : Sure. But you have to wear your mask
Messi : Okay, Dad. (6) ....
Father : You're welcome

6. ....
A.Good bye
B.I'm sorry
C.See you
Jawaban: D

The dialog is for question 7. 

7.The best expression to complete the dia- log is ....
A.It doesn't matter
B.See you later
C.Pretty well
D.Not at all
Jawaban: A

Baca Juga: Contoh Soal PTS UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka, Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban


Editor: Anisa Alfi Nur Fadilah

Sumber: Kemendikbud


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